Aqualive Christchurch Health and Beauty Detox Spa Wed, 23 Jan 2019 03:09:39 +0000 en-NZ hourly 1 Aqualive 32 32 Colon Disorders Sat, 17 Dec 2016 07:04:54 +0000 Constipation

Constipation is clogging up of the large intestine and packed accumulated waste in the bowel makes evacuation difficult or infrequent. State of constipation can also exist regardless of daily movements when only part of the bowel contents is being emptied. One autopsy revealed a colon to be 9 inches in diameter with a passage through it no larger than a pencil!

Accumulated waste matter can stretch the bowel wall into enormous proportions called ballooned colon.

Intestinal constipation causes cellular constipation. The cellular metabolism becomes sluggish, repair and growth are delayed. It also increases the workload of the other excretory organs; kidney, skin, liver, and lymph.  Constipation is a very common health issue where you may look to Colon Hydrotherapy for immediate relief. Because constipation involves the unnecessary retention of waste matter in the rectum and throughout the first half of the colon series of colonics is required.

Typical treatment of constipation is a use of Laxatives, which act as colon irritant to promote bowel movement. Laxatives contribute nothing to a restoration of the normal or natural process of defecation. Overuse of laxatives destroys the normal ability of the Bowel to eliminate on its own.


Diarrhea is the opposite of constipation. If the colon is damaged, inflamed or impacted, absorption of water is inhibited and watery stool results. Chronic diarrhea is most often due to the presence of irritation in the colon. Harmful bacteria, parasites, and the accumulation of stagnant mucous are generally high and they irritate the bowel. Chronic diarrhea will often respond remarkably to the colon-cleansing program.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

IBS it is also known as mucous colitis, spastic colon, and spastic constipation. IBS is commonly characterized by abdominal pain and altered constipation or/and diarrhea.  Colon hydrotherapy combined with good nutrition and exercising can help to relieve these symptoms.

Bloating/Excessive gas

Bloating occurs, when pathogenic bacteria and yeast overgrowth, because of faecal compaction.  Digestion always results in a certain amount of fermentation. The quality, quantity and combination of food determine the amount of gas released into the body. The cells absorb released gas and must enlarge to accommodate excessive gas pressure. This fermentative gas can damage cells. Colon Hydrotherapy helps to remove the compaction and gas.


Diverticulosis is the presence of multiple balloon-like sacs (diverticula) typically forms in individuals suffering from constipation and excessive gas. These little diverticula usually form in the weakest area of the bowel and become a source of powerful toxins. When an infection develops condition is know as diverticulitis and can be dangerous. For those who wish to eliminate diverticula, series of colonic treatments should be taken combined with dietary changes.


Parasites are organisms that live inside us so that we become their hosts. Since these parasites are unable to produce food for themselves, they depend on us for their survival. Unfortunately, parasites harm human beings because they consume our food and nutrients, they can destroy our tissues and cells, and they produce toxic waste products that can make people very ill. Parasitic infections can cause digestive disorders (bloating, constipation, diarrhea, gas, and irritable bowel and can also lead to allergies, anemia, chronic fatigue syndrome, immune dysfunction, joint and muscle pain, organ damage, skin problems, sleep disturbances, and teeth grinding.  Colon hydrotherapy and Triplex herbal parasite cleanse are very effective way to get rid of parasites.


Candida develops over time as a side effect from taking antibiotics and indulging on cooked starches and refined sugars. It is a type of fungus that begins in the colon.  When levels of good intestinal bacteria (probiotics) are low candida proliferates and extracts toxic waste that can get into the bloodstream and cause symptoms of bloating, diarrhea, headaches, depression, thrush, fungal nail condition.

The colon cleanse, probiotics supplementation and dietary changes will help remove the overgrowth of yeast, the toxic waste that it produces, as well as keep your system running normally again.
